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Why Choose Us ?
Nonstick Media was developed by web designers. After years of experience developing websites we have created plans to match most websites' needs. We also realize that their are website that will have special needs. Nonstick Media is prepared to create a custom plan to meet the special needs of any website.

We've put together a list of reasons why we feel Nonstick Media offers significant advantages over our competition:

Quick email response - if you prefer email ...
If you prefer to go the "electronic" way, send us an email at Our average response time is 2 hours or less. Don't take our word for it - check it out. And best of all, we don't force you to use email, use our phone support at your convenience.

We have our overheads covered ...
Why is this important to you? You will be surprised that in this industry, even bigger players - or rather, especially bigger players - with more customers than us have not hit break-even point. You don't have to worry whether we will stop operations to cut losses - because we aren't losing money.

Get Advice on Best Practices.
As a web-hosting/multimedia design company, we have over ten years of experience. We were there long before the .com revolution and we are not going anywhere. Though the years we have acquired an unique knowledge base. We enjoy share what we have learned over the years, both as a business and as designers.

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